What are actions?
Actions which are used throughout the plugin
These are used in the configuration files that allow you to run different types of actions.
Action Types
Click on these actions to find out more information and examples on how to use them!
[MESSAGE] - [Player Chat Message](link to sub topic)
[BROADCAST] - [Server Broadcast Message](link to sub topic)
[TITLE] - [Player Title Message](link to sub topic)
[ACTIONBAR] - [Player ActionBar Message](link to sub topic)
[SOUND] - [Player Sound](link to sub topic)
[GAMEMODE] - [Player Gamemode](link to sub topic)
[EFFECT] - [Player Potion Effect](link to sub topic)
[MENU] - [Player Inventory Open](link to sub topic)
[CLOSE] - [Player Inventory Close](link to sub topic)
[BUNGEE] - [Player BungeeCord Send](link to sub topic)
[PROXY] - [Player Velocity Send](link to sub topic)
[COMMAND] - [Player Command Execute](link to sub topic)
[CONSOLE] - [Console Command Execute](link to sub topic)
Player Chat Message
Sends a message to the player
Syntax: [MESSAGE] <message>
Example: [MESSAGE] Hello %player%! Welcome to this server!
Server Broadcast Message
Broadcast a message to all online players
Syntax: [BROADCAST] <message>
Example: [BROADCAST] &eHello all players!
Player Title Message
Display a title message to the player
Syntax: [TITLE] <title;subtitle;fadein;stay;fadeout>
Example: [TITLE] &6Welcome &9%player%;&eto ExampleMC!;3;5;3
Player ActionBar Message
Display an actionbar message to the player
Syntax: [ACTIONBAR] <message>
Example: [ACTIONBAR] &eWelcome to the server %player%!
Player Sound
Play a sound to the player Sound list: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
Syntax: [SOUND] <sound>
Player Gamemode
Set the gamemode for the player
Syntax: [GAMEMODE] <gamemode>
Player Potion Effect
Give the player a potion effect
Syntax: [EFFECT] <effect;level>
Example: [EFFECT] SPEED;3
Player Inventory Open
Open a custom GUI
Syntax: [MENU] <menu id>
Example: [MENU] serverselector
Player Inventory Close
Closes an open inventory the player has open. There is no arguments for this action unlike the rest.
Syntax: [CLOSE]
Example: [CLOSE]
Player BungeeCord Send
Send the player to a specficied BungeeCord server on your network
Syntax: [BUNGEE] <server>
Example: [BUNGEE] factions
Player Velocity Send
Send the player to a specficied BungeeCord server on your network
Syntax: [PROXY] <server>
Example: [PROXY] factions
Player Command Execute
Execute a command from the player
Syntax: [COMMAND] <command>
Example: [COMMAND] warp spawn
Console Command Execute
Execute a command from console
Syntax: [CONSOLE] <command>
Example: [CONSOLE] give %player% diamond_shovel 1
If you want to teleport a player to another world for multi-world servers using Multiverse-Core use [CONSOLE] mvtp %player% survival